People in her fairy tales sang "rejuvenating apples". Medieval alchemists selflessly invented the elixir of immortality. The Spanish conquerors were looking for the "fountain of youth". The Hungarian countess took bloodbaths from girls she killed with one goal - to be young forever. Conquering time is what people have wanted and wanted for many centuries.

Modern women dream, if not of eternal life, at least of prolonging youth. After all, with her help you can always be beautiful, cause admiring glances and be self-confident. An understandable desire. Is it necessary to perform facial rejuvenation today in a beauty salon? Eternal time pressure, financial savings, distrust of modern cosmetology or doctors - everyone will have their own reasons for not showing up there. However, at the same time, one cannot forget about getting older and be content with the appearance of more and more wrinkles. Today, rejuvenation is quite accessible to every woman at home.
Lifestyle as a basis for home rejuvenation
If facial skin rejuvenation at home is aimed at guaranteed, stable and long-term results, then every woman who decides to do this must understand one very important thing. No skin care product (store-bought, homemade, hardware, etc. ) can revive cells so effectively that the result is long-lasting. Often, all these procedures suggest only a superficial "cosmetic repair". As soon as the reagents stop working, everything will return to normal, and very quickly: wrinkles, double chin and crow's feet. But if all this is supported by nourishing the skin from within and preventing premature skin aging, the result will be simply amazing. But for that you will have to reconsider a lot in your life.
- You need to simplify your diet in terms of regimen and diet. Train yourself to always eat at the same time. Give up diets. At the very least, be tempted by fatty, spicy, salty and pickled foods. Don't deny yourself fresh fruits, berries, vegetables and juices.
- 2 liters of purified or mineralized water a day will compensate for the moisture deficit experienced by every aging organism. This will get rid of the dry skin problem.
- Physical education (in moderation) improves blood circulation, which also has a positive effect on the beauty of the face.
- A calm and measured life, without neuroses and breakdowns, will also prolong youth. You need to protect yourself from negative and unwanted emotions that are instantly imprinted on the face with new furrows.
- At the first signs of any disease, whether it is caries or pneumonia, you should definitely go to the doctor and undergo a full treatment. Skin, like hair, is a litmus test that signals a person about problems in the body.
- Bad habits lead to premature aging of the skin, accelerate its processes.
In fact, these rules are known to everyone from childhood. However, a person seeks, above all, to live in pleasure, as it suits him, without realizing the destructive power of such a way of life. She moves slowly but surely. The wrinkles are imperceptibly cut because of the eternally sad mask on the face. Bags and bruises under the eyes after sleepless nights appear more and more often and then remain completely. Thanks to the passion for tasty and sweet food, women don't notice how the once-pretty oval of the face is deformed under the weight of the second chin. Stop for a moment and think: you can stop this. So any facial rejuvenation at home will be many times more effective.

Facial rejuvenation products
If you dream of eternal beauty but don't know how to rejuvenate your skin, start with regular targeted cosmetics. It's one thing to use regular moisturizing and protective day and night creams. And another thing is to use anti-aging agents. They consist of biologically active substances that are able to penetrate deep enough layers of the epidermis and restore damaged and frozen cells in their development and life. They activate metabolic, energetic and salt water processes and thus promote rejuvenation.
1. Store funds
Start by choosing quality cosmetics from a well-known manufacturer branded as "anti-aging". It is desirable that all are from the same series. You will need:
- cosmetic milk to remove make-up;
- tonic;
- washing gel/foam;
- to rub;
- mask;
- cream - day and night;
- be a;
- eye gel.
Pay attention to its chemical composition. The most effective will be those on the packaging of substances such as:
- retinol (well-known vitamin A);
- tocopherol (vitamin E);
- ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
- nano oils;
- liposomes;
- glycerol;
- antioxidants;
- fruit acids;
- phytoestrogens;
- coenzyme Q10;
- phospholipids;
- alpha-hydroxy acids.
Sometimes people choose the best option under the skin for too long, but those lucky enough to find it know that surgery-free facial rejuvenation at home is very real. Some people prefer homemade products, made at home, to store-bought ones. His action is sometimes no less effective.
2. Home remedies
Wise women know: everything that can be found in the kitchen is suitable for external use for rejuvenation purposes:
- cucumber juice is an excellent tonic that tightens and moisturizes aged skin;
- instead of foam gel, you can use decoctions and infusions of herbs with regenerating properties: aloe, calendula, yarrow, banana;
- coffee, oatmeal and salt in homemade scrubs help to cleanse the skin;
- masks made from honey, potato, eggs and dairy products nourish the skin with the necessary substances, preventing it from fading prematurely;
- creams based on cosmetic oils (jojoba, hawthorn, almond, apricot) and essential oils (rose, sandalwood, neroli) are also able to delay aging and create a real miracle with the skin.
Homemade facial skin rejuvenation with the help of various means that restore tissues and have a lifting effect is widely used in women who show the first signs of aging after the age of 30 and age-related skin changes after the age of 50. here is to forget your own age. For the more daring, there are even more cardinal methods of rejuvenation at home.

rejuvenation treatments
Any woman can build a small beauty salon to rejuvenate her face at home. And no further education is needed for that. Small cosmetic devices can be purchased today in specialty stores and safely used on their own. And various massage techniques without additional tools and funds can make a woman ten years younger at any age.
- With the help of a mesoscooter, mesotherapy can be performed, which, together with a reagent, will help to quickly smooth out wrinkles and make the skin more elastic.
- Japanese massage by the famous Yukuko Tanaka is a unique method of skin rejuvenation, detoxification and lymphatic drainage of facial tissues.
- Iontophoresis, electroporation, phonophoresis and rf-lifting activate blood flow, restore a pleasant color to the skin and moisturize.
- Darsonvalization uses high frequency pulsed currents.
- Myostimulation causes the muscle fibers to contract more actively.
Each woman determines how to rejuvenate the skin of her face at home to prolong her beauty for an indefinite period. In the soul, everyone feels 18 years old, even in old age. Of course, no procedure turns a 50-year-old lady into an 18-year-old, but they are able to make her face well-groomed, beautiful and youthful, hiding her real age. See for yourself.